Sunday, February 1, 2009


This is my second time having so much fun blogging.i have nothing to say because nothing outstanding happened today.Oh just the usual,doll-napping my neice's teddy.haha.Odd huh?OKay fine i dont doll-nap teddies from babies but at least that's what I will,this phsyco path has to stop!Its making me sick.

Help me oh please just helpp mee!I dont wanna leave this world!!I know that i will one day die and shit but i dont wanna!(of course i will die of an old age like maybe when im 99 or so.)but ohhh why cant i be an immortal?The feeling of not existing is giving me the heebie-jeebies and not to mention its making me VERY nihilistic.I mean why do stuff you hate when it's all gonna go to waste?(eg. studying)I dont know if this is just a phase im going thru or my mentality.

this is almost like the livejournal only that the livejournal is mostly used by should visit the

1 comment:

  1. Gosh, can you stop thinking about death already. the more you think, the more..
    Right, I shall not comment any further if not I get you worried! swt.
